As in other surgical procedures, patients undergoing breast augmentation surgery, needs to follow a special diet plan before and after the procedure.

It's important to suspend the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco at least two weeks before any cosmetic surgery. Both substances cause a constriction of blood vessels and hinder the blood circulation. 

Changes on your diet should be made. You should increase the consumption of easily assimilated carbohydrates and proteins. Your surgeon will give you more detailed instructions about your diet before the procedure. In this article we will talk about a balanced diet after surgery. 

Good food choices

In order for you to have a successful and quick recovery, there are some foods you should include in your diet:

Fruits and vegetables: Considering that during the first few weeks after your procedure you'll need to quit exercising and get lots of rest, they will help you keep your weight under control. In addition, they are rich in vitamin C, which increases the collagen production, and helps with tissue regeneration.

Easily assimilated carbohydrates: Pasta and brown rice are a good example of the type of food that will help intestinal activity to accelerate your metabolism and they also provide the required energy to boost tissue regeneration. 

Proteins: They are critical for keeping your muscles in shape after a breast surgery. Since you won't be able to carry heavy items for a while, the inactivity can have a negative impact in your muscular system. Proteins also contain amino acids that help cell regeneration, tissue healing and avoid inflammation.

Healthy beverages: Drinking water, pulp free juices, jellies and weak teas, such as chamomile, will help your stomach and intestine work properly.

Yogurt: After surgery, you'll have to take antibiotics in order for you to prevent infections. Unfortunately, antibiotics are usually very aggressive with your intestinal flora, so yogurts with lactobacillus help regenerate the bacterial intestinal flora and stimulate the immune system at the same time.

Which foods to avoid 

If you want to avoid gaining weight during the resting period post-surgery, you should stay away from high-fat foods like chips, crackers, frozen desserts, etc. You should also avoid irritating foods like tomato products, coffee and carbonated beverages and obviously spicy foods, these all affect your intestinal flora.


These are just a few tips for your diet that will help speed up your recovery from any procedure of aesthetic medicine. However, you should always take into consideration what your doctor will give you in a more detailed and personalized matter.

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