
Unable to get a flat and well-toned abdomen despite rigorous exercise and weight loss diet regimen? Want to get rid of your sagging abdomen, but you are unable to achieve your desired results? Then there is no need for you to lose hope! Now you can get rid of your sagging abdominal fat with the help of a tummy tuck procedure.

What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominal reduction or abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is aimed at removing excessive fat and tightening the skin and muscles of the abdomen, so that you can enjoy a perfectly flat belly that makes you look younger and more impressive.

What are the Reasons behind a Sagging Belly?

There are multiple reasons for having a sagging belly:

  • Sudden Weight Loss – if you lose a lot of weight in a very short time duration, the muscles of the abdomen can get relaxed and abdominal skin loses its tone.
  • Pregnancy – a sagging belly can also occur in ladies after pregnancy.
  • Hereditary – some people have a genetic predisposition to having a sagging belly.
  • Age – with age, muscles of the abdomen tend to lose their tone and become relaxed, resulting in a sagging belly.

Preparing for a Tummy Tuck

Before undergoing the tummy tuck procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will first have a detailed clinical examination and have a discussion with you, so as to make sure that you are an ideal candidate for getting a tummy tuck. Your doctor will advise you to quit smoking at least two weeks before and after the procedure.

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

The main aim of a tummy tuck procedure is to get rid of the excess fat around the belly and to tighten up the abdominal muscles by making an incision in the abdominal wall. The procedure is usually carried out under a general anesthesia. Depending upon the severity of your sagging belly and your esthetic demands, two types of tummy tuck procedures can be performed.

  • Partial/ Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure – this type of tummy tuck procedure is performed when the belly fat is present below the belly button. In this case, the surgeon makes an incision below the navel and the position of the belly button is not changed. This procedure takes about 2-3 hours to complete.
  • Complete Tummy Tuck Procedure – in this tummy tuck technique, an incision is made from one hip-bone to the other. The procedure involves thoroughly removing excess fat and tightening the muscles around the abdomen. The position of the belly button in complete tummy tuck is changed and the patient may need to get drainage tubes placed below the skin for a few days following the surgery.

Regardless of the type of tummy tuck procedure performed, care is taken by the cosmetic surgeon to create minimal scarring and not to leave the scar at a visible place in the abdomen.

Taking Care of Your Abdomen

Once the procedure has been performed, you will need to stay in the hospital for three days. Afterwards you will need to have complete bed-rest for the next 1-2 weeks. You can get back to work after 3-4 weeks of the operation. You should take care of the following while caring for your abdomen after tummy tuck:

  • Strictly follow your doctor’s instructions
  • Avoid performing heavy exercise or any other strenuous activity.
  • Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before and after the surgery.

Candidates for this procedure

In the case of women, the one that concluded the process of having kids. In general men and women that present, excess skin, stretch marks, previous scars, muscular sagging, and if it is a post-bariatric patient that suffered obesity.


Because tummy tuck and abdominoplasty cosmetic surgery are considered a mayor surgery, the patient must stay for at least one night in the clinic, under monitoring and medical care.

What is the Cost of the Procedure?

The total cost of your treatment depends varies with your individual case. if you need any further information please contact us.


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