Do breast implants have an impact on breastfeeding? Nowadays, there are lots of myths around this subject, but we would like to explain the facts behind them.
Breast surgeries are very popular between women regardless of their age. Whether it is for health problems -like reconstructive plastic surgery after a mastectomy- or aesthetic reasons.
However, questions arise in particular with the connection between breast implants and the hormonal changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If you already have implants and you are worried about what you can and cannot do while breastfeeding your baby or about the aesthetic consequences of the process of breast milk production, then read below all about what's the truth behind those myths:
FACT: False. A woman with implants doesn't have any problems breastfeeding her baby, as long as the implants have been placed in through the submammary creases or through the armpits.
If the incision was made through the areola's perimeter or its surroundings, then there is a small chance of damaging the lactiferous ducts (the ones that carry the breast milk). Since the implants are placed under the muscle, they don't affect the lactation process.
FACT: False. Implants don't put your baby's health at risk. The most common implants are made of silicone, and the heavy molecular structure of this material prevents its disintegration, so it won't obstruct the flow of milk nor pollute it.
An implant won't put your baby at risk, not even if the implant has a breakage or a manufacturing defect. Be confident while breastfeeding your baby in any case.
FACT: False. Since the implants are located under the muscle, breastfeeding doesn’t have any impact on them and adjusting is not necessary.
Aesthetic changes however, may happen, the following myth will guide you into what measures you should take to fix this:
FACT: If you notice, after your pregnancy and lactation period, that your breasts are saggy, implants may not be the answer. In this case, we recommend a breast lift surgery.
Since it's likely for the breasts to change after breastfeeding, it is possible to make both procedures at the same time, lifting your breast while adding volume.
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