Cellulite is one of the most common headaches for women. However, there are ways to get rid of it or even reduce its appearance.

6 of every 10 women have cellulite, according to different studies, so this is one of the most common issues and one that highly concerns women, together with wrinkles and skin blemishes.

Cellulite, commonly known as “orange peel skin”, causes the appearance of the surface of the skin to look grainy or irregular because collagen gets stiff in the areas with cellulite.

Although your daily routine may not allow you to concentrate in eliminating the annoying orange peel skin, there are small changes you can do to your habits to help you improve significantly the appearance of your skin.

We want to share the following health and beauty tips that you can follow to fight cellulite:

Fundamental Changes to your Diet

Your diet plays a very important role in the appearance of cellulite, because it appears as a result of low fiber consumption and a diet rich in carbohydrates and fat.

This is a list of foods you should eat, foods you should eat moderately, and foods you need to avoid at all costs to prevent the onset of cellulite.

What you should eat

  • Proteins, especially white meat, and eggs.
  • Food rich in iron like lentils.
  • Vitamin C, found in fruits and vegetables like oranges and tomatoes.
  • Omega 3 found in oily fish and shellfish.
  • Potassium, found in bananas and dry fruits.
  • Diuretics like pineapple, artichoke, and green tea.

What you should eat moderately

  • Oil and butter, because they have saturated fats. Remember that you use oil for cooking, so prioritize preparing roasted and grilled foods.
  • Raw vegetables and greens have mineral salts and cause water retention. Substitute them with cooked vegetables.

What you should not eat

  • Sausages and cold meats
  • Desserts
  • Fried food
  • Sodas
  • Alcoholic Beverages

The Value of Exercise

Changing your diet habits is not the only ingredient you need to reduce cellulite. Physical activity is also very important to achieve it.

You should prioritize aerobic exercises, i.e., exercises that increase oxygen consumption and promote fat elimination in your body.

For starters, you should go for a walk, a run, or ride a bike. You should also do exercises that focus on thighs, hips, and buttocks, for example:

Exercise 1: Lay on your right side with your head resting on your right arm, and your legs completely stretched. Then, raise your left leg to the ceiling without flexing it, and bring it down again without touching the other leg. Do 5 sets of 20 repetitions alternating the leg you are working out.

Exercise 2: Stand up with your back straight and raise your right knee to your chest without leaning forward and then do the same with your left knee. Do this exercise in 5 sets of 20 repetitions for each leg.

Exercise 3: Do regular squats, trying to always keep your back straight and do not let your knees go beyond the tip of your toes when you go down. Do 5 sets of 15 repetitions of this exercise.


Lastly, an alternative to reduce the accumulated fat that causes cellulite is to undergo a surgical procedure.

Liposculpture is an outpatient procedure that eliminates superficial fat by suctioning it with cannulas. It is almost impossible for liposuction to help get rid of orange peel skin. However, depending of the amount of cellulite in the patient’s skin, the grainy appearance of the skin can be lowered by grafting fat in the areas where cellulite is present, filling in the holes or irregularities of the “orange peel skin”.

Remember the importance of a healthy life to avoid orange peel skin. And if you decide to do it in an OR, you should go to a certified surgeon, who can advise you and clarify your doubts, so you can achieve the results you want.

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